Answered By: Andrew Lopez
Last Updated: Oct 27, 2020     Views: 138

The movies in Kanopy that we have licensed are discoverable in the Library Catalog OneSearch.

If a library patron is looking for something that we do not currently have a license for:

    a. Go to the Kanopy Database (the only K database)
    b. Search for the desired movie by title
    c. If Kanopy shows it as available click on the desired title 
    d. If we don't currently license the desired film, Kanopy will display a request form like this:

    e. When the library patron fills out this form and hits REQUEST ACCESS, an email is sent to ISACQUISITIONS@CONNCOLL.EDU which is checked daily throughout the day.

Library staff check to see if we own a DVD copy of the film, and if so notify the patron that we will make it available to them.

If the library does not own a copy of the film and it is more cost effective to purchase a DVD/Blu-Ray, time permitting, then the library will purchase a copy.

If the best option available is for the library to purchase streaming rights through Kanopy, then we will go that route, and the patron is notified when the Kanopy link is active, or when another form of the film is available for their use.

The time frame for licensing a Kanopy film ranges from 2 minutes to 1 business day. 

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