There's been an appointment slot update! Find out about it here:
Here are instructions on the "old" appointment slot feature:
To set up appointment slots in your calendar that students (or anyone) can book, here's all you need to do:
Enter the details, including a title (Office Hours or Appointments would work well), and pick the calendar where you want the event to show up (probably your own; e.g. Andrew Lopez in the picture above).
To add more information, like a location or description, click More options.
After you've set up appointment slots, you can invite people to book a time. To invite people to book appointments, don't invite them to the appointment slot. Instead, get a link to send them for your appointment slots page:
Open Google Calendar.
Click your appointment and then Edit Edit event.
Click This calendar's appointment page.
Copy and paste the calendar's appointment page link from your browser.
Send this link to people who want to book an appointment.
Because the link is long, try shortening it with a link shortener like bitly, or simply embed it in the text of your email like this: Click here to schedule an appoint with me (practice test)
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