Answered By: Ariela McCaffrey Last Updated: Oct 01, 2024 Views: 207
We have access to many national and international newspapers through the library’s databases. Start at the library homepage,, and select Databases in the Quick Links box. Change "All Database Types" to Newspapers.
Proquest Newspapers - Major US Dailies includes current articles from major US newspapers, including The New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times.
Access World News Research Collection includes international newspapers. This is a full-text news resource of over 11,000 sources. Updated daily, it offers primary source information on today’s issues and events.
For local Connecticut newspapers, check out the Access World News database (use the Map Search feature to select your desired geography) or America's Historical Newspapers (Browse Publications and search for Connecticut). The Hartford Courant Online database provides full-text articles from 1992-present and covers local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.
In addition to our thorough database access to The New York Times (1857-present), every student at Connecticut College can create a free account on The New York Times website (using your Connecticut College email) that includes access to their useful TimesMachine.
For other historical newspaper content available through Connecticut College Libraries, you can search for individual publication titles in Journals by Title.
There are various options online for accessing historic newspaper content, such as Chronicling America and Google News Archive.
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