The answer to this depends largely on where you found the information about the article or book.
For Articles in a database:
If you are searching in a database like PsycInfo or Academic Search Premier and come across an article of interest click on the “Check for Full Text” link.
The subsequent page will give you a link to the article if it’s available or a link to “Request from Interlibrary Loan” if it’s not.
Other Articles:
Say you find a reference to an article in a bibliography or on a website. A quick way to check availability is to search it in Google Scholar. Check out this site for a quick way to set up access to Connecticut College resources and Interlibrary Loan directly from Google Scholar.
Try OneSearch to find print and ebooks available at Conn. You’ll also find print books from other libraries that can be requested right from OneSearch. It takes about two days for those requests to arrive at Conn. You need to be logged in to OneSearch with your CC credentials in order to see the Request option.
For other books try Worldcat, and use the “Request Item through Interlibrary Loan” link to place requests.
You can also go directly to Interlibrary Loan and manually enter the information to request articles, books and book chapters.
Need help? Contact a librarian.
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